Why Pura Vida? It’s a phrase we kept hearing when we were in South America. It’s more than an expression, though. It’s a kind of philosophy. Meaning “pure life”, it’s at the heart of what we do – turning ancient techniques into 21st-century de-stressing treatments. All using naturally nourishing oils.
How much space do you need?
We’ve given treatments in tiny cottages and enormous drawing rooms. As long as you’ve got space for our massage tables, we’ll fit around you. We’ll even come to your office.
Will there be a call out charge?
We’re pleased to cover many areas in and around Bath and Bristol at no additional cost. However if you lie outside this free travel zone, there will be a small additional fee. When you get in touch, let us know where you live – and we can confirm whether there might be a small extra cost involved.
Shhh… lots of our customers fall asleep during massage. We don’t mind – we take it as a sign our relaxation techniques are doing the trick.
How experienced will my therapist be?
We’re part of the accredited Federation of Holistic Therapists, the largest and leading professional association for therapists in the UK and Ireland. This means we’re highly trained and know the world of massage inside out.
What are the benefits of massage?
How long have you got? Massage can benefit the body in all sorts of ways. It can ease general muscle tension, treat specific aches and pains and relieve tension headaches – plus it’s said that it can help to flush toxins out of your body. It can have a wonderful effect on the mind too, helping to bring down stress and anxiety levels.
What if I have a diagnosed medical condition?
With some medical conditions, massage therapy will not be appropriate. When you get in touch, tell us about your condition and then we can let you know whether massage will be suitable for you.
Pura Vida therapists are pregnancy massage specialists, so you’ll be in safe hands with us. We know the techniques and positions that are best suited for women who are expecting. You do need to wait until after your first trimester and be under the care of midwives – and we’ll ask that you bring your pregnancy medical book with you when we meet. It’s a good idea to talk to your midwife or GP before booking a massage. They’ll be able to tell you what treatments are ok for you.